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  • Patrick Stober

Fuses vs Circuit Breakers: Understanding the Difference

Electrical circuit breaker

While fuses and circuit breakers both prevent electrical hazards by interrupting the flow of electricity, they do so in different ways. With each coming with its own advantages and disadvantages, we’re going to take a look at what separates them from each other and which is the best option for you.

Fuses: The traditional protectors

Fuses have long been the go-to solution for protecting electrical circuits, and consist of a metal wire filament housed in a glass, ceramic, or metal casing. When an overload occurs, the filament melts, stopping the flow of electricity. Although a simple solution, it does come with limitations.

Once a fuse blows, it needs to be replaced – which has no doubt irritated you on any number of occasions. This can be particularly inconvenient in homes with frequent electrical issues, with finding the right replacement fuse a confusing process that typically

involves searching through tiny boxes hidden under the stairs.

Circuit breakers: The modern solution

Circuit breakers are the modern approach to the overload problem. These devices use a switch mechanism that flips off during an electrical surge, breaking the circuit and halting the flow of electricity. Circuit breakers use either metal strips or electromagnets to detect unsafe electricity levels, offering a more reliable response compared to fuses.

One major advantage of circuit breakers is you can reset them. After tripping, they can be easily switched back, making them more convenient. Additionally, circuit breakers provide protection against both short circuits and electrical overloads, offering a higher level of safety.

Protection and responsiveness

When comparing the two, circuit breakers win for their superior responsiveness and higher protection levels. While fuses only guard against overloads and have a slower response

time, circuit breakers react faster to a broader range of electrical issues.

Cost and installation

The only area where fuses tend to win is when it comes to cost and complexity of installation. Circuit breakers are more expensive to install due to their intricate wiring and need for multiple components. That said, upgrading to circuit breakers can improve your quality of life and increase your home's resale value, thanks to their higher electrical capacity and modern functionality.

Usage considerations

For modern homes with high power usage, circuit breakers are generally the better option. They offer the necessary protection and convenience for homes with numerous electrical appliances and devices. On the other hand, if you’re living in an older home with less demanding electrical needs, fuses will probably still do the job.

Stay on top of your electrics with Precision Power Services

Professional electrician at work

Whether you’re happy replacing fuses or are looking to upgrade or maintain your circuit breaker, you should seek professional advice to make sure you make the best choice for your specific needs and electrical system.

If you’re looking for an electrician in Edmonton AB to install a circuit breaker, provide reliable advice, or deal with any other electrical issues you may have, Precision Power delivers the services you need at highly competitive rates. You can contact us here.

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